My Story



I’d tell you my journey to this place started a few years ago but it really started when I was a child- a tall, larger-than-my-friends girl who constantly compared herself to others. I started to figure out how to project an image that others would be attracted to before they judged me by my physical size alone. And it kinda just snowballed from there, spending decades of living from the outside in and very often losing a connection to my own value, my authentic strengths. I was also unable to recognize that my thinking was creating unfounded fears and a brick wall standing between me and happiness.


A few years ago, I hit one of those downward spirals that happens to a lot of us in mid-ish life. I felt overwhelmed by a lot of changes in my life- career, empty-nest, move to a new city, ending a relationship, and the loss of my mother. Still, it surprised and shocked me when a co-worker casually told me I was the most negative person he knew.

How had I ended up here, exuding this type of negativity to everyone around me? After all, I’d been successful in my career, had a lot of friends and a good life. Yet, all I could see was everything I didn’t have and all that had gone wrong. And, my seeing nothing but glasses half full and the one cloud on a sunny day had become part of how I showed up in life for other people.

I shed a lot of tears and had to reflect for many months to get back to my a sense of my authentic self. Over the years of pleasing others, geting ahead in my career, and portraying the person I thought others wanted me to be, I’d lost track of who I was and what really made me content and fulfilled in life.

Looking back now, I’m grateful I was shocked into realizing I’d become someone I really didn’t want to be. I’m so glad I took the time to explore my thoughts and feelings and completely “upcycle” my thoughts about myself and my mindset overall. This pathway to positivity led me to study the role of a life coach, go through training, and receive certification. Coaching others to find their own pathway to positivity led me to return to writing - one of my lifelong passions I’d set aside for too long- about my experience and how what I’ve done and heard can help others.

I look forward to hearing your story, sharing with you what I’ve learned (and am still learning) and partnering with you on your own pathway to positivity!

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